
Honoring God with Our Evenings

May 26, 2013  | 


The past two weeks we?ve been looking at how to spend time with God on a moment by moment basis.? We looked at ways we could orient ourselves towards God in the morning that don?t take a lot of time to implement, and then last week we talked about how we could involve God in our working hours by maintaining integrity and showing love.

This week we?re going to continue to talk about spending our evenings with God, and what that might look like.? Similar to last week, we?re not going to focus on prayer or Bible study, but on how you live your life as a Christian.? The ultimate test of being spiritual is how your relationship with God affects your life.? In other words, we have to get down to the brass tacks and figure out what God wants me to do as a result of grace.? In this case, how would God like me to spend my evening?? Today we?re going to look at 3 ways that we can spend time with God in the evening.

Bringing God with You

May 19, 2013  | 


Last week we talked about how you can live a more spiritual life in Christ naturally by adding a few habits in the morning, even if you don?t have a lot of time.? We talked about 4 habits; can anyone remember one of them?? Yes, talk to God in bed, giving him words of worship; talk to God in the shower and feel his presence; spend even 1 minute hiding God?s Word in your heart, and spend even 1 minute in prayer, and your day is much more likely to go well and have a sense of peace or joy about it.

What we?re going to talk about today is what happens after you leave the house, the 9 to 5 hours, the working hours.? When you?re interacting with the world.

Wake Up with God

May 12, 2013  | 


It?s easy to go through life without nurturing our connection to God.? We get busy, and frankly it can be a struggle to make time for God.? What if we didn?t have to worry about that?? What if we were living a life where God was integrated so deeply into our habits, that our entire days were worship services to God?? What if we could find ways to just naturally be connected to God?? Over the next few weeks, we?re going to take a look at how we can spend with God naturally during every part of our day: Morning, Mid-Day and Evening.? This Sunday we're talking about how to get connected with God in the morning.

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