
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth E. Broschart, Pastor

A native of Ohio, Elizabeth (Beth) grew up in a farming community, and the church was an integral part of her early formation. She learned to craft worship at an early age under the mentoring of her pastor and felt a strong urge to pastoral ministry during a revival led by Harry and Joanne Yates (Johnny Cash’s sister).

With a varied background in ministry and secular work, PB brings a wide range of skills to the church to aid in restoration of facilities and revitalization of ministry to the community. She spent her early years in ministry as a church musician/choral director in a variety of denominational settings so appreciates good theological reflection.

“Faith in God’s mercy and grace has permeated my life,” Beth explains. “I have truly found God’s mercies to be ‘new every morning’. Time and again, I have experienced the renewing of the mind and the resurrection of life that comes when the Holy Spirit breathes on my life. It is my greatest joy to unveil the mysteries of faith and to expound on the unfathomable depth of God’s love.”

PB, as she prefers to be called, has an extensive history of transformational ministry founded on the biblical principles of genuine hospitality, sacrificial giving, and courageous testimony. These principles are the foundation of her doctoral thesis that centers on these joyful expressions of faith exhibited by the people of Malawi (Africa) and witnessed and explored in the context of the book of Philippians and the Pittsburgh-Malawi Partnership.

She earned her Master of Divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree at The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary with an emphasis on missional spirituality. Her undergraduate degree was earned at Lee University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Science with teaching certification.

Previous secular employment included a ten-year stint as a journalist. One of the highlights of that career was the opportunity to cover the space shuttle flight which carried former Sen. John Glenn back into space. Glenn, a life-time Presbyterian, was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in New Concord, OH where Pastor Beth and her husband served for five years prior to their move to Pittsburgh in 2005. She also owned her own business and served seven years as the Executive Director of Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra.

Pastor Beth is married to the Rev. Jerry Broschart, and they have four children – Aaron (Stephanie), Ben (Ronnelle), Kari (Cody) and Emily. They have five grandchildren – Owen, Audrina, Eloise, Connor, and Raynor.


Jackson Weller, Minister of Discipleship (

Jackson Weller has been on staff at First Presbyterian since August of 2003. Jackson grew up in Virginia Beach and moved to Danville to attend Averett University. After graduating from Averett, Jackson attended seminary at Columbia International University in Columbia, SC and then moved back to Danville to marry his wife, Sara, a Danville native. Jackson and Sara have three children. In his spare time, Jackson enjoys hiking, reading, cooking and genealogy work. Jackson is also active in the community serving on The Averett Alumni Board, The Langhorne House Board, The Salvation Army Advisory Board, and serves with Son Servants missions agency on the Planning Team. One of his favorite passages is Proverbs 3:5-6 because every day is a crazy adventure for Our Lord and every day we have to forget what we think we know and trust God because He truly does know all things; we have to trust Him even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

Erin Parris

Erin Parris, Day School Director

Erin is a fourth generation member of First Presbyterian Church and a second generation graduate of the First Presbyterian Day School, which she has led since 2011. She graduated from Radford University in 2003, resided in Roanoke for some time before returning to Danville. She has two daughters, who have been the third generation of Erin’s family to attend the Day School. Erin loves to spend time with her girls, friends and family and curl up with a good book or watch the newest Netflix hit!

Ashley Stanley-Robey, Director of Music Ministries

My name is Ashley Stanley-Robey, and I am the Director of Music Ministries at First Presbyterian. I am grateful and humbled to have the opportunity to practice the musical vocation in the church. In addition to weekly adult choirs, Sunday worship services, and special services for holidays, I also get to do what I love most – teaching children to love singing and playing instruments! Once a week I teach early childhood music classes in our Day School for students aged 2, 3, and 4. I also serve on the board for Danville Area Choral Arts Society (DACAS), volunteer with the Averett University Cougar Band, and serve as co-principal flutist in the Danville Symphony Orchestra (DSO).

This is my first full time music ministry post, after teaching music and gifted resource classes in public school for six years. Before serving here at FPC, I was a music minister at Holbrook Street Presbyterian Church, music ministry intern at Broad Street United Methodist (Cleveland, TN), and organist at Village Presbyterian Church in Charlotte Courthouse, VA. I completed the Master of Church Music at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee. I am also an alumna of Longwood University where I earned a Bachelor of Music degree and met my husband, Greg, a trombonist and bassist. Greg also works in public health at the local health department. We have called Danville home for several years, and we absolutely love living here!

Growing up, I was always enthralled with music and especially singing hymns in church. My granny, a Presbyterian Elder and historian, taught me to play piano at the age of eight. I fell in love with reading and playing music. I joined my school’s band at eleven and learned to play the flute. In high school I began playing piano and organ for church services. Worshiping God through music and song is my life’s purpose and calling. I am very excited to share our church’s fantastic instruments, music library, and rehearsal space with our community. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any musical needs or questions.

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