Crop Walk


The CROP Hunger Walk is an annual fundraising event of the Church World Services.  With the pandemic, hunger has become an even greater problem throughout the world, reaching epic proportions especially among poor nations and refugees.  Church World Services works with people to raise their capacity to grow and maintain their own food and water supplies.  Churches throughout the world support their efforts through their participation in their local CROP Walks.

The First Presbyterian Church Missions Committee sponsors the churches CROP Walk efforts.  FPC is an active member to the Danville Area CROP Walk which is traditionally held on the first Sunday of October at 3:00 p.m. at Ballou Park.  FPC has a team, although church members are welcome to form their own team.  Each team raises funds and donates it to the Danville Area CROP Walk committee.  The majority of funds go to the Church World Services.  However, one quarter to one third of Danville’s funds go to God’s Storehouse to fight hunger in this area.

Each year, First Presbyterian Church members are invited to participate in a variety of ways:

  • Those owning a business or belonging to a group are invited to become a sponsor, donating $100 or more to the CROP Walk.
  • Individuals are invited to donate as well through the First Presbyterian Church Team or to form their own team and raise funds.
  • All church members are invited to walk in the CROP Walk with the FPC Team or another team. If you do not want to walk, you can cheer the team on as they start off or finish the walk.

The Danville Area CROP Walk has a special place in the hearts of many First Presbyterian Church members.  Marie Louise Crane, a church leader for many years, was one of the primary leaders in starting the Danville Area walk.  The Marie Louise Crane Golden Shoe Award is presented annually to a team who exemplifies Marie’s heart and spirit of giving.

Look for announcements and flyers in July, August, and September and help First Presbyterian Church fulfill its mission to fight hunger throughout the world and at home.

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