When we feel unsettled, hungry or thirsty, when our schedules aredisrupted or a journey drags on, we can get irritable and quarrelsome.Oftentimes, the people to whom we are closest receive the brunt ofour bad moods. Moses sacrificed everything to liberate his...
When our circumstances don’t live up to our dreams or expectations, it’stempting to desire a return to the past. The Israelites had the promise ofa better future to keep them going. But sometimes we need somethingmore tangible. Couples slip wedding rings on each...
“Are we there yet?” “How long is this trip?” “My feet hurt.” “I’m hungry.”“I’m thirsty.” “I’m tired of manna for breakfast.” “Stop touching me.”I’m not sure how Moses and Aaron put up with 40 years of wildernesstravel complaints. We all need our grievances to be heard...
I volunteer in a men’s prison where men have told me that, growing up,they had to choose between “the best of bad options.” The wilderness wasthe Israelites’ escape, but 40 years of perilous, exhausting wandering canbe its own form of slavery. Who in your life or your...
he wilderness is a place every Christian knows. It’s not a physical placelike the dry, desolate desert where we imagine the Spirit leading Jesus. Ourwilderness creeps into our everyday lives, taking up residence in our mind,our mood, our soul. The wilderness is a...
The earliest Christians were called “people of the Way.” Here in Acts,we read how these Christians lived in community, sharing possessions,land, and homes, caring for each according to their need. Theirdistinctive, small yet growing group stood apart. Now, as a...