Feeding the Hungry Spiritually and Nutritionally
For over twenty years, First Presbyterian Church has been offering a free lunch every Saturday. Anyone arriving between 11:30 AM and 12:00 Noon is offered a substantial lunch at no charge nor required proof of need. Prior to lunch, we offer an optional Bible study at 11:00 AM with meal service following at 11:30. We are pleased that our efforts have been shared with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Westover Baptist Church and Mercy Seat Presbyterian Church. Individuals from these organizations assist FPC members with meal preparation on the second and third Saturdays of each month. The remaining Saturdays are staffed by FPC members including an elder. Menus vary weekly, but we offer a full traditional holiday meal the Saturday before Thanksgiving which is always well-received and appreciated. This mission work is financed by our members through the Mission Committee, individual donations, donations from other churches, and a grant from our Presbytery. It is hoped that this ministry will not only provide nourishment, but it will also provide an opportunity for worship as each visitor receives an invitation to join us on Sundays. Volunteers are needed and welcomed. Please contact the church office at 1-434-792-7822 if you would like to be a part of this exciting community outreach.