Letter from Directors Erin B. Parris & Laine Waller

Dear Parents,
We are so pleased that you have placed your child in our care and look forward to getting to know your family. The Day School is committed to nurturing your child spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically in a Christian environment while encouraging academic development. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide a strong foundation of educational and Christian principles that your child can build upon.
Our Day School has been providing a nurturing and loving environment to children in our community for over 60 years, and we praise the Lord for his wonderful blessings that he has bestowed upon us. Some of the fun activities your child can look forward to every week is attending chapel, show-n-tell, and having music class with their friends. During Chapel, we will stress learning our weekly Bible verses and learn about stories in the bible. We are also pleased to continue our charitable ministries by collecting food for God’s Storehouse and by riding in the Trike-A-Thon for St. Judes.
In 2022 we introduced a portion of the ABEKA curriculum into our four-year-old classroom. We understand the needs are changing as more is expected from children and we want your child to be prepared when he/she enters kindergarten; Four-year-olds will focus on letter sounds and blends, number recognition and skills, as well as handwriting skills. In our three-year-old class we will be implementing our purchased letter curriculum: Mr. Smith’s Letter Recognition Program which has been quite successful in years past. Letters are introduced in three categories based on difficulty, all while building on sight and sound.
The Day School has planned many family-oriented events including Grandparent’s Day, Mommy’s Night out, Coffees, our Art Gallery showing, and our end-of-the-year picnic. First Presbyterian Church has invited us to worship at our Sunday service at any time.
Families, THANK YOU for continuing to choose First Presbyterian Day School and we look forward to a WONDERFUL school year! Please contact us at any time, we are always happy to help or answer any questions. This staff is a special group of women and we are extremely blessed to have the opportunity to work with them all. Rest assured; your children are in the best of hands. We have an exciting year planned and we promise it is going to be a great one! Your child’s well-being is our primary concern, and we will do everything in our power to make this a happy, productive time. If you have questions, please let us know.
Erin B. Parris & Laine Waller
Directors of FPC Day School