“I will make you into a great nation, 

and I will bless you; 

I will make your name great, 

and you will be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2 NIV)

It was during an official ceremony at the Balad Air Base, Iraq, in 2011, that I remember singing “God Bless America,” thinking to myself how fortunate I was to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” I found myself standing a little taller, my chest swelling with pride knowing that that evening I would have a comfortable place to sleep and a bountiful buffet of food waiting for my next meal at the DFAC (dining facility). Waiting for my return back in Arkansas were a devoted wife and a very supportive church. I was not alone that day in feeling blessed. This was not the case, however, with everyone in attendance at that ceremony. There were those who had left their finances in a mess, those who had left a relationship in shambles, and still others who were struggling with issues of loneliness.

Try to imagine what would happen if the “blessed” of this world took seriously God’s announcement to Abraham that they were to pass along his blessings. Prayerful willingness is the starting point. Abraham said yes and the world was changed. Saying yes might mean the “blessed” help take on the burdens of the homeless, the hungry, and those who have fallen on hard times. The apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church, “Those … strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter” (Romans 15:1 MSG). How much effort would it take to lift the spirits of the downtrodden? What would a blessing look like to those who feel alienated from society?

~Chaplain (Colonel) Walter L. Smith, USAF (Ret.)


Surely there has been a time in your life when you thought, “I’m so blessed.” Do you remember the feeling that overcame you? Was it in response to an unexpected gift or a second chance? Is God calling you to be a blessing? Will you say yes?


Go to your list of blessings in your journal. Pray for guidance and ask, “Is there a way that one or two of my blessings could be used by God as a blessing for others?” In your journal, write about what need in your community or in your church you might help with because of your blessings.

From A Generous Life: 28 Days of Devotion. Copyright © 2019 Abingdon Press. All rights reserved.

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