Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (Philippians 4:4-6 NRSV)
Paul, writing from prison to the Christians in Philippi, offered quite good advice, especially when considering his own personal circumstances.
I saw this advice exemplified in a woman named Betty who tended the breakfast bar in a hotel where I stayed five nights a month for several years. She had a giving spirit and a contagious joy. I never once saw her anxious or fearful. My greeting was fairly consistent whenever I saw her: “Good morning, Betty! How are you doing today?” With a big smile on her face, her answer was equally predictable, but I never got tired of hearing it: “Don, I am blessed and highly favored.” Every day, she spoke into her own life the words of God spoken to Mary through the angel (see Luke 1:28-29).
One day, I shared with the hotel manager how inspired I was to be greeted by Betty in such a positive way each morning. The manager went on to tell me about some of the life struggles Betty was experiencing and what challenges she was conquering—addiction, abuse, homelessness, and illness. A modern-day Paul, Betty was writing a letter from her own personal prison through her words and actions for me and for others to read:
- Rejoice in the Lord always.
- Don’t worry about anything.
- Give thanks in everything.
I am grateful to God for sending such an angel into my life. I will never forget Betty’s example of joy and gratitude.
People in twelve-step recovery often say that it’s impossible to be in a place of fear and resentment if you are in a place of gratitude. Paul understood that. So did Mary. So did Betty. And, though I don’t always get it right, in my grounded moments, so do I.
~Donald A. Smith
Where do you feel “imprisoned” in your life? When have you recently succumbed to worry and/or found it hard to rejoice? Who are the “angels” who, for you, model a worry-free life of joy and gratitude?
Write and mail a note of gratitude to at least one person who is a living example of Philippians 4:4-6.
From A Generous Life: 28 Days of Devotion. Copyright © 2019 Abingdon Press. All rights reserved.