Sunday School Classes (9:45 AM)
Contact Jackson Weller at for information. Summer hours and meetings may vary.
Outlook Class (lecture and discussion), Room 322 (upstairs behind sanctuary)
Early Childhood, Room 202 (Day School wing, enter via Sutherlin Ave. entrance)
Elementary School (upstairs Day School wing) Children’s (K-5) Sunday School is offered during the second half of the worship hour. Children attend worship and then leave after the “Time for Young Disciples” (children’s sermon).
Middle School/High School, Room 302 (Upstairs Day School wing, enter via Sutherlin Ave. entrance)
Other Classes
Presbyterian Women’s Circles , First Mondays at 12:30 PM, Room 108 (first floor on office side).
The Presbyterian Women’s Evening Circle meets in various homes throughout the year. For inquires contact the church office at 434-792-7822.
Men’s Breakfast, Third Saturdays at 8:00 AM, Fellowship Hall (upstairs on office side)