
FPC Youth

Weekly meetings: 6:00 PM on Wednesdays in the church office building (during the school year) and group members’ houses (during the summer– see our calendar page for details).  Sunday school meets at 9:45 AM in room 112 on the office side of the church building.

In addition to weekly meetings, we also seek and serve God together through:

  • Annual mission trips through Son Servants. The 2019 trip is to West Virginia, July 22-27. Other recent trips have been to Jamaica, Chattanooga, and New Orleans.
  • July 15-20 we are hosting a Son Servants trip. We are extremely excited for visiting Middle School students and their leaders to work with us as we serve Our Lord Jesus in our hometown. This is an opportunity for us to show and share the love of Christ to our community. Please keep the Danville Son Servants trip in your prayers.
  • Local and regional service projects, such as volunteering at God’s Storehouse and packing meals for kids in D.C.
  • Hiking, ice skating, skiing, geocaching, camping, fishing, outdoor movie nights, and many other activities.

For more information on the FPC youth group, contact Jackson Weller at or (434) 792-7822.

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