A brief outdoor service to recognize the losses we have experienced in 2020 but also the light that shines in the darkness.
We have experienced unprecedented loss this year. Family and friends have succumbed to death in this pandemic, millions have lost economic security through loss of jobs, some have lost businesses they built over a lifetime. Most of us have lost our beloved rhythms of life that felt familiar and gave our lives the richness of gatherings and adventure. And we can name losses related to hatred and violence.
As we proclaim love, joy, peace, and love during Advent, we will come together on the Longest Night of the Year to speak of our loss and to light luminaries which remind us of the light of Christ that shines even when all around us is pain and loss.
The evening will also include a tree lighting as we acknowledge our pain but also the glimpses of hope.
If we are fortunate, the “Star of Bethlehem” may be seen in the sky at the end of the gathering.
View details on Facebook here.